Creamsource SpaceX

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The Creamsource SpaceX is an innovative approach to high powered film and TV lighting providing a full spectrum soft source. SpaceX combines the latest LED technology with sophisticated colour management, optimised form factor, ergonomics and elegant design in a light weight 18kg/40Lb package.

SpaceX boasts an array of six powerful LED engines, cooled by a highly efficient and quiet fan system, and integrated lightweight power supply directly into the fixture – doing away with bulky and heavy external ballasts.

SpaceX opens up a myriad of possibilities for gaffers and lighting specialists, in-studio and on location.

But… It’s expensive, right?

Nope! You get twice the light output for your dollar compared to the rest of the market. At $5.40 per Watt of power, SpaceX is under half the average market price.

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Financing Available through Providence Capital Funding (*US Based Entities Only)